Leading in petroleum coke trading
LAB-OIL is the first company to bring pet coke to the region and is still the largest – if not the only – importer of this type of industrial product. This company has solved the problem of many businesses by replacing the use of fuel oil with petroleum coke which has a much cheaper cost. LAB-OIL brings this material from the largest world markets, concluding contracts with companies such as the Italian giant “UNICOAL SpA” one of the largest companies in the world for the extraction and sale of pet coke, and LAB-OIL since 2012 has the exclusivity for the Western Balkans region for this product.
LAB-OIL from June 2016 has opened the factory for pet coke processing, with the most advanced German technology.

LAB-OIL has the exclusivity for the Western Balkans region
This company has solved the problem of many businesses by replacing the use of fuel oil with petroleum coke which has a much cheaper cost. LAB-OIL brings this material from the largest world markets, concluding contracts with companies such as the Italian giant “UNICOAL SpA” one of the largest companies in the world for the extraction and sale of pet coke.